MLK Jr. Morning of Service 2025

MLK Jr. Day - Morning of Service

As we seek to effect positive change, this day reminds us to commit to public life, public service, civil discourse, and fundamental rights and liberties. Even if you are not able to make it to campus, please consider giving your time and energy elsewhere; a neighborhood sweep or stream cleanup are great options.


Monday, January 20 | Thornley Middle School
8:30 AM-12:00 PM

We hope you can join us on Monday, January 20 in the Thornley Middle School (8000 Cherokee Street) from 8:30 AM-12:00 PM for fellowship, reflections, and hands-on service activities with local community organizations. While school is out on January 20, we welcome volunteers for this optional morning of service. 

There are many ways you can participate and help increase our impact!

  1. Join us in person on January 20! (See the “Schedule & Activities” tab below.)

  2. Collect needed items and donate them by  (see the “Items Needed” tab below).

  3. Support the day with a monetary contributions (see the “Support the Day” tab below).