What is venture incubator?
The Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (CEL) Venture Incubator is an extracurricular opportunity open to students below 10th grade who are interested in developing a business venture. Individuals and teams submit their ideas for review and, if selected, are partnered with external mentors who help them navigate the various phases of taking an idea from rough concept to authentic outcome. Throughout the process, students are given the opportunity to pitch their business plans to seasoned investors and entrepreneurs.
What is venture accelerator?
Students in their junior and senior years are eligible to apply for CEL Venture Accelerator. This culminating experience gives students the chance to fully launch the ideas they have investigated, tested, and prototyped through 10th grade Capstone programs. Venture Accelerator students connect with various mentors and investors, hire staff, file for trademarks and legal business entities, sell in the marketplace, and raise initial startup capital.