Despite a snowstorm forcing the cancellation of our Martin Luther King Jr. Day Morning of Service, the spirit of service prevailed this week. The school community came together with a shared mission: to effect positive change in honor of Dr. King's legacy.
On Wednesday, Upper School Service Council students and others assembled more than 1,000 sandwiches for the Germantown Avenue Crisis Ministry, ensuring that those in need would have access to nutritious meals. On Friday, following a decades-long tradition of service honoring MLK Jr., Lower School girls in Pre-K and kindergarten packed 180 breakfast bags for St. Vincents Food Cupboard and Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels.
In addition, as part of the Day of Service and a yearlong commitment to stewardship and sustainability, 6th-grade students heard from Tim Bennett of Bennett Compost and rotated between three stations last week: plastic recycling weighing/metricizing, reusable tote-making, and PSA-storyboarding. This hands-on experience aimed to build environmental awareness, foster advocacy skills, and spark action among this group of 60 students.
SCH's commitment to service continues tomorrow when 4th graders in Kenyatta Patterson's class will prepare backpacks filled with essential school supplies, generously donated by our SCH families, for Horizons scholars. Additionally, bags of clothing and shoes collected from families in each division will be delivered to Cradles to Crayons, an organization that provides essential items to children living in poverty, and outerwear collected by 4th-grade girls will head to DeSales Service Works in Camden, NJ.
While the snow may have shifted our plans, there are still ways to make a difference. You can show your appreciation by writing letters of thanks and support to our active, reserve, and veteran military through A Million Thanks. You can also find volunteer opportunities with our other partner organizations on our MLK Jr. Morning of Service webpage. Thank you for your unwavering support of service and community.