The Betty Ann Fish Field Dedication

The Betty Ann Fish Field Dedication

Dozens of colleagues, family, and friends of Betty Ann (BA) Fish HA’02 gathered on the Vare Field House Porch during Homecoming Weekend to dedicate the field in her honor. As a tribute to her 37 years of service to SCH as a teacher and coach, the field was renamed Betty Ann Fish Field (Fish Field for short!) to recognize the now-retired PE chair’s enduring legacy and positive influence on SCH’s student-athletes.

Known and loved for the energy she infused into all her Lower School classes, she brought creativity and innovation to the fields and Lower School gym every day. From the Heart Adventure Challenge Course to the annual soup drive, Fish was always cheering on her students and field hockey players. Her energetic presence will continue to be felt on Fish Field for generations to come. You can still donate in her honor here.

Families, you can get more photos from the dedication here.

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