With more than 40 clubs and activities at SCH, students have the opportunity to pursue their interests alongside their peers outside of the classroom. From the Airplane Building Club to Black Student Union, SCHers can dig deeper into their passion by joining a club or activity.
Mi Gente, Campus Lantern, Camera Club, and Mock Trial are a few new and revived clubs established and run by students with the guidance of faculty advisors. While new clubs will continue to be reviewed and approved throughout the year, several have been in the works and will begin meeting (and recruiting) members soon.
Griffy Whitman, who has been strategizing and working to revive the school newspaper since last year, established the Campus Lantern Club this year. He says he’s excited to “bring back a tradition that will make a positive impact on the SCH community.”
“The newspaper activity opens the door for students interested in writing, graphic design, broadcast media, photography, and beyond to publish their work for an authentic audience and gain leadership experience in the field of journalism,” says Jenny Gellhorn, an Upper School English teacher, is the newspaper faculty advisor. (Watch out for news in the SCHout penned by Campus Lantern students!)
Another new club, Mi Gente, is an affinity group that “affirms Latine identities and holds space for intersectionality” whose leaders, according to faculty advisor and Spanish Teacher Karin Tinsley, are “excited to grow the group into something that represents all of its members."
The fair next Tuesday will have representatives from: Veterinary Medicine Club, Women in STEM Club, PUB (literary magazine), the Asian Student Alliance, Book Club, Yoga Club, Gender and Sexuality Alliance, and many more!