Students Perfect Interviewing Skills at Spanish Job Fair

Students Perfect Interviewing Skills at Spanish Job Fair

Me gustaría solicitar para un puesto de trabajo…I would like to apply for a job position!

Spanish students sat at desks across from their classmates, answering questions about their job skills, strengths, and weaknesses. Hung on the walls around them were colorful posters mimicking the businesses they “founded,” from architecture firms to taco trucks. This recent experiential exercise was the Spanish 4H Job Fair and the culmination of Upper School teacher Corinne Dionne’s unit on “contemporary life,” which includes learning about professions and rites of passage. Students were practicing various interview skills—entirely in Spanish—from the lens of both the employer and the applicant. 

“They cultivate confidence and self-efficacy by expressing the positive skills, strengths, and abilities they each possess,” says Dionne. “Students have great opportunities to be creative in their description of the position, the framework of the interview, and responsibility with contracting the ideal candidate for their business. Many of the components are well prepared, but the fair itself is spontaneous and completely improvised which is the most exciting element for them!”

After exploring their passions and interests in different professions, students created a job at an imaginary business that someone their age could perform. Then, they designed and prepared the job description and all requirements for the job posting announcement. They prepared their interview questions and practiced (as best as they could predict) the process. After each candidate was interviewed, “employers” compared their notes and wrote a two-paragraph offer letter to their new hire.

¡Felicidades a los candidatos!

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