Outward Bound Offers Relief for 'the Anxious Generation'

Outward Bound Offers Relief for 'the Anxious Generation'

Matt Norcini, head of Upper School and chair of the board of trustees for the Philadelphia Outward Bound School, penned an article about combating what's troubling "the Anxious Generation," and says he can attest to the "transformative change" of keeping phones out of the classroom.

"The removal of devices is one piece of the puzzle," writes Norcini. "Another, for us as parents and educators, is finding ways to facilitate for our children the creation of deep and meaningful connection, the development of self and belonging, and a sense of value and purpose in the world. Tall orders, for sure, but ones that parents and educators agree are critically important to this and any generation." 

Read Norcini's full article on the Outward Bound Philadelphia School blog

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