Our second annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Showcase welcomed more than 130 students and others from more than 21 regional high schools on November 5 to learn about the significance and impact of applying to and attending an HBCU. With a 70 percent surge in SCH’s HBCU applications in the past seven years, this event—as evidenced by the great turnout—is more crucial than ever as college deadlines approach.
Panelists included SCH alumna Mo’ne Davis ’19 (Hampton University), SCH faculty member Terrance Hart (Morgan State University), alumnus Ty’Quish Keyes ‘11 (Morehouse College), SCH Independent School Teaching Fellow Cameron Hodges (Howard University), Tim Branner (Tuskegee University), and Kim Harvey (Xavier University of Louisiana; master’s from Howard University).
Thanks to our college counseling team, alumni, faculty, staff, the SCH Black Student Union (BSU), and the Diversity Parent Resource Network (DPRN) for making this event an important resource for our students and those in and around Philadelphia.
Interested in learning more about SCH’s college process? Please contact (or visit) our college counseling page to learn more.