Crew News: The Fastest Fleet

Crew News: The Fastest Fleet

Keep an eye out for the fastest fleet on the Schuylkill River! Our girls and boys crew teams will be rowing in new carbon Filippi F31s quads with new oars as they begin their season. And coaches and volunteers will be riding in style in like-new, refurbished launches (pictured above). Thanks to a comprehensive campaign, which included Athletic Giving Day and the recent erg-a-thon on campus, SCH raised more than $100,000 for new crew equipment.

Crew 2023

“Obtaining new equipment begins the implementation of a replenishment strategy that was established a few years ago,” says boys coach Chris McElroy. “In addition to refurbishing our 20-year-old launches, acquiring new, right-sized boats will enable SCH to operate on a comparative plane with our competitors and allows SCH to embrace technological and structural innovations (carbon is better than aluminum!).”  

One of the new quads will be named in memory of William Newbold, Class of 2017.

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