Each day our teachers read a new book to all the ECC classes together (Willows, Laurels, and Chestnuts) to set the stage or round out an activity that has happened. The book is either decided upon by the class or is brought to the carpet by the teacher.
The other day the class enjoyed reading the book Goodnight Gorilla with Ms. Laynie and Ms. Donna. The idea came from an activity in the playground where Leo (see below) was pretending to be trapped in a cage and the others were helping him get out with keys. Goodnight Gorilla is about a gorilla at a zoo who lets all the other zoo animals out of their cages at night to go sleep in the zookeeper's house.
This kind of connection and imaginative play is all part of the exploratory process. The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education views children as individuals who are curious about their world and have the powerful potential to learn from all that surrounds them.