William E. Shuttleworth H'38

  • 2003 Induction Class
William E. Shuttleworth H'38

Bill was at CHA from 1926 to 1938, during which time he served as the dean of science and athletics, head of the Science Department, athletic director, and varsity coach of football, basketball, and baseball. His teams, although small, frequently undermanned, and competing in the tough Inter-Ac League, had tremendous successes. CHA’s coveted award for outstanding teaching, “The Shuttleworth Award,” is named in his honor. Presented annually, it is awarded by students in the class who graduated 10 years before to the teacher who had the most beneficial and lasting influence on them.

In 1974, CHA’s baseball field was dedicated in honor of William E. Shuttleworth. At the ceremony, Bill was praised as “the kind of guy who could lead by example…. He was the kind of guy who understood boys as nobody else did. He was a thoughtful man and a tremendous gentleman.”

  • Baseball
  • Football
  • basketball

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