This Chance Taker Lifts the Curtain

This Chance Taker Lifts the Curtain

Our next #SCHanceTakers✨ is a memory from one of our newest faculty members, CEL New Media teacher Mr. Adam Butz-Weidner.

"You're never too young to be serious about loving something,” says Adam BW, who discovered a lifelong passion for opera at age 10. The first-year CEL New Media teacher tells his #SCHancetakers story vlog style, painting a vivid picture of the daunting audition that enriched his relationship with his father and changed his perspective, resulting in years of music, theater, and production that led him to a profession steeped in the arts and digital media. 

When you're serious about something as a kid, you're not scared the same way, and I think that should be protected.

SCH interviewed Mr. BW this winter. Take a walk down memory lane with us…[click to read the interview].

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